Patching small holes:
- Cut a small square of mesh about 3 cm larger than the hole all around.
- Remove wire from the weave of the patch all around for about 2 cm. This should leave 2 cm of wire prtruding out from the edges of the patch.
- Position the patch over the hole and hold in place with a couple of small beads of blue tac.
- Use the protruding wires to firmly fix the patch in place by weaving them into the weave of the screen.
- Remove the blue tac.
Replacing the full mesh:
- Use a dustpan brush to remove dust, spiders, and other debris from the surface of the screen. Place the screen on a flat surface.
- Use the point of a screwdriver to pry out the old spline starting near a corner. The spline is the flexible rubbery cord that holds the flyscreen into the frame. Once you have pulled out enough spline to get a grip on it the rest should pull out easily.
- Remove the flyscreen mesh from the frame and brush all the grooves well.
- Place the new flyscreen mesh on the top of the frame. Make sure you have about 100mm extra mesh all around the frame.
- Push the spline into the grooves to hold the mesh in place. Start on a short side of the frame. Use a tool called a spline roller to push it into the grooves.
- When it is all rolled in, trim off any excess spline. Trim off excess mesh leaving only about 5mm all round.