
  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including completing all modules in the water stream and sanitary stream and the units of competency listed below
  • An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including completing all modules in the water stream and sanitary stream and the units of competency listed below

In addition to one of the above, you must complete the following units of competency:

  • Either CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems;and
  • CPCCBC4012A or B/ BCGBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
  • Either CPCPDR4011A or B Design and size sanitary drainage systems or CPCPDR4001A/ BCPDR4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary drainage systems; and
  • Either CPCPDR4012A or B Design and size stormwater drainage systems or CPCPDR4002A/ BCPDR4002A Plan, size and layout stormwater drainage systems; and
  • Either CPCPDR4013A or B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems or CPCPDR4003A/ BCPDR4003A Plan, size and layout domestic treatment plant disposal systems; and
  • Either CPCPSN4011A or B Design and size sanitary plumbing systems or CPCPSN4001A/ BCPSN4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary pipework and fixtures


  • Show evidence of completing an apprenticeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out above

  • At least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out above and that this experience was obtained after completion of Certificate III in Plumbing.

We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervising plumbing work.

Water Plumbers:

  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411 / CPC32408/ BCP30103 including the two units of competency listed below
  • An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including the two units of competency listed below

In addition to one of the above, you must complete the following two units of competency:

  • Either CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
  • CPCCBC4012A or B/ BCGBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications


  • Show evidence of completing an apprenticeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out above
  • At least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out above and that this experience was obtained after completing Certificate III in Plumbing.

Water Plumbers – fire protection:

  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including the units of competency listed below
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including the units of competency listed below
  • Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503 including the units of competency listed below
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503 including the units of competency listed below.

In addition, you must complete all of the following units of competency:

  • Either CPCPWT3010A Connect and install storage tanks to a domestic water supply or CPCPFS2021A Connect static storage systems for fixed fire protection systems or CPCPFS2001A/ BCPFS2001A Connect static storage tanks; and
  • CPCPFS2022A/ CPCPFS2012A/ CPCPFS2002A/ BCPFS2002A Install portable fire equipment; and
  • CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
  • CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
  • CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
  • Either CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure; and
  • CPCPFS3038A/ CPCPFS3018A/ CPCPFS3008A/ BCPFS3008A Test and maintain fire hydrant and hose reel installations; and
  • Either CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems;and
  • CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications.

Water Plumbers – fire sprinkler systems:

  • Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503
  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and all of the following units of competency:
    • CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
    • CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
    • CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3024A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
    • either CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure


  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and all of these units of competency:
    • CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
    • CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
    • CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3024A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
    • either CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure.

Water Plumbers – urban irrigation:

  • Certificate II in Urban Irrigation CPC20912/ CPC20911/ CPC20908/ BCP20303


  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and all of these units of competency:
    • CPCPIG2021A/ CPCPIG2011A/ CPCPIG2001A/ BCPIG2001A Design domestic urban irrigation systems; and
    • CPCPIG3021A/ CPCPIG3011A/ CPCPIG3001A/ BCPIG3001A Set out, install and commission irrigation systems; and
    • CPCPIG3022A/ CPCPIG3012A/ CPCPIG3002A/ BCPIG3002A Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps; and
    • CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply


  • Certificate III in Irrigation RTE31303 and all of these units of competency:
    • Either CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply or BCS3050A Connect irrigation system from drinkable water (potable); and
    • RTE3601A Install irrigation systems; and
    • RTE3605A Troubleshoot irrigation systems;


  • Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32410 and all of these units of competency:
    • CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
    • AHCIRG302A Install irrigation systems; and
    • AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems;


  • Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32416/ AHC32412 including these units of competency:
    • CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ CPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
    • AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems.

In addition to one of the above, you must:

  • Show evidence of completing an apprenticeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out in relation to the Certificate III qualification completed above
  • Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the units set out in relation to the Certificate III qualification completed above and show that you got this experience after completing a Certificate III in Plumbing or Certification III Irrigation.


  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the draining stream;
  • Certificate II in Drainage CPC20712/ CPC20711/ CPC20708/ BCP20102; 
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the draining stream.


  • Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the gas services stream; 
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the gas services stream; 
  • Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403; 
  • an apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403.

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