Definition of plumbing work:

Plumbing is considered specialist work. There are several different types of plumbing work including plumbing, water plumbing, roof plumbing, draining, and gasfitting. A plumber must be licensed for the specific category of plumbing work to be undertaken. Plumbers can be licensed for more than one category at the same time if they have the appropriate training, skills, and experience.

Plumbing specialist licences:

Plumbing licence holders can do the work of water plumbing, sewerage or sanitary plumbing.

  • Water plumbing covers installation, alteration, and maintenance of pipes and equipment associated with water supply.
  • Sewerage plumbing covers the work of constructing and maintaining pipes connecting to sewers and onsite waste-water systems.
  • Sanitary plumbing covers the work of installing and maintaining pipes or tanks designed to manage the disposal of sewage.

Draining licence holders can do the work of sanitary drainage. This includes construction and maintenance of any sanitary drain connecting with a sewer or an onsite wastewater management system.

Gasfitting licence holders can do the work of installing and maintaining pipes and gas appliances between the gas supply point and the building in which the gas installation is located.


A licence is required to do any plumbing, draining or gasfitting work in NSW, regardless of the cost of the work. Plumbing is specialist work.

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